How is the ecosystem of social innovation in your country? 

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Mapping of the social innovation ecosystems in Spain, France, Sweden and Latvia

An important part of the BuiCaSuS project is to better understand the point of departure: What is the situation of the social innovation ecosystem? This goes beyond the individual initiatives and aims to understand enabling factors and bottlenecks. 

In work package 2 of the project, we have worked over the last months to define a common understanding of concepts and laid out a mapping strategy. We are now in the position to reach out to project owners and change agents for them to share their views. In each of the countries, we undertake a mapping exercise, adapted to the context. The first step is simply to nominate the initiatives. The survey should take no more than ten minutes. We then will further inquire into some of the initiatives and in a third step run some case studies. 

Kindly support us and make the effort to register your initiatives. 


Please mind that at the same time, we are currently running another survey, related to work package 4 of the project, which is centred around the support structures to help social innovation initiatives take off, consolidate and grow.

Each of the countries has a landing page where you can find more details and links to the surveys, in the respective languages. 

Latvia survey (deadline for submissions 27/4/22)


Update: The Spanish and French surveys were closed on 3/12/21. The Latvian survey remains open until 27/4/22

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