BuiCaSuS: Working to build Competence Centers for Social Innovation in Spain, Latvia, France and Sweden
This project is funded by the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). It comprises 7 partners from 4 countries and involves more than 20 organisations. Welcome to our website where we share our knowledge and practices on social innovative projects, up scale pilots and promote policy changes.
Building Capacity for a Sustainable Society
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The Project
BuiCaSus is a transnational project funded by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). It includes partners from Spain, Latvia, France and Sweden with a very diverse profile, from Ministries to NGOs.
It is one of the six consortia that has been selected by the European Commission to explore how social innovation contributes to more sustainable societies.
BuiCaSuS aims to promote the concept of social innovation in order to set-up or strengthen National Competence Centres for Social Innovation.

To do this, we need to explore:
- How we can upscale social innovation projects.
- What is the state of the art TODAY in social innovation and sustainable societies at national level.
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of countries’ social innovation ecosystems.
- Which tools, methods and best-practices we can share for cooperation, mutual learning and generating social impact.
- And finally, how we can translate all this into National Strategies and Action Plans in each partner country.
BuiCaSuS in numbers
Executive Summary
We invite you to download our Executive Summary in your own language.
All key contents, reports and conclusions will be published in the 4 project languages (Spanish, Latvian, French and Swedish), as well as in English.
Click on the image to download the English version “BuiCaSuS_Executive-Summary_EN.pdf ” (250KB)
Goals and Values
BuiCaSuS Goals
- Moving towards Sustainable Societies in EU countries.
- Transnational exchange for SI. By establishing Blueprint & Action plans.
- Networking, synergies and resources for SI. By creating competence centres for SI.
- Capacity-building among stakeholders to upscale SI. By collecting initiatives, replicating, and testing pilot projects.
- Raising awareness of SI concept. By analysing strengths, weaknesses and inspiration while mapping SI initiatives
What is Social Innovation
For us, as a EU Funded project, we are aligned with the EU Commission definition:
The operational definition for Social Innovation of the European Union is given in the regulations of the ESF+ funds and reads as such
‘Social innovation’ means an activity, that is social both as to its ends and its means and in particular an activity which relates to the development and implementation of new ideas concerning products, services, practices and models, that simultaneously meets social needs and creates new social relationships or collaborations between public, civil society or private organisations, thereby benefiting society and boosting its capacity to act (Regulation of the European Social Fund)
Find out more about this concept in the EU website.
BuiCaSuS News

BuiCaSuS summary report available
The BuiCaSuS project has come to an end. Now, a summary report makes all the actions undertaken and key findings available. The report summarizes the

BuiCaSuS culminates by presenting four National Blueprint Strategies and Action Plans for CCSI
BuiCaSuS culminated in National Blueprint Strategies and Action Plans for CCSI in France, Latvia, Spain, and Sweden, after extensive work including screening and mapping national
The Spanish State Secretary of Social Rights presents a roadmap for a Competence Center for Social Innovation
The Spanish roadmap for a Competence Centre for Social Innovation (CCSI) proposes the creation of a structure that could play a vital role in creating
BuiCaSuS Events
Main Project Conferences
Midterm Conference
The mid-term conference provides for the opportunity to make the respective work packages converge. Then, the country diagnostic work will be available and ready for synoptic comparison. Likewise, the two formative streams, on piloting and upscaling and the knowledge hub will have gained traction.
While we reduce international travel due to the pandemic and carbon-footprint, we are looking forward to celebrating this key event in a face-to-face setting.
Autumn in the heart of the Castilian highland plateau might as well be a pleasant background to do so.
Dates: 20/21-10-2022
Place: Madrid, Spain
Venue: Still to be confirmed.
Attendees: Some 60 policymakers, practitioners and scholars will meet.
Speakers: Still to be confirmed.
More information: Please contact your country partner for this event (Spain, Latvia, France or Sweden).
Final Conference
This conference is a gathering point to reflect on the capacity building activities as well as to look beyond. A key topic on the agenda will be the reflection on the institutionalization of the CCSI Competence Centre for Social Innovation.
At that stage, the four policy proposals will be available. We are looking forward to inquiring into how social innovation will be nurtured in each of the respective countries.
We trust that the cold shores of the Baltic Sea help us find a horizon.
Dates: 16/17-02-2023
Place: Riga, Latvia
Venue: Still to be confirmed.
Attendees: Some 60 policymakers, practitioners and scholars will meet.
Speakers: Still to be confirmed.
More information: Please contact your country partner for this event (Spain, Latvia, France or Sweden).