
Here you can find BuiCaSuS’ events, webinars, conferences, sessions, roundtables and meetings about Social Innovation. Some might be internal but others are open access, so we invite you to contact the organisation in charge to attend.

Upcoming Events

Main Conferences

Midterm conference

The mid-term conference provides for the opportunity to make the respective work packages converge. Then, the country diagnostic work will be available and ready for synoptic comparison. Likewise, the two formative streams, on piloting and upscaling and the knowledge hub will have gained traction.

While we reduce international travel due to the pandemic and carbon-footprint, we are looking forward to celebrating this key event in a face-to-face setting.

Autumn in the heart of the Castilian highland plateau might as well be a pleasant background to do so.

Agenda: Link 

Dates: 20/21-10-2022

Place: Madrid, Spain

Attendees: Some 60 policymakers, practitioners and scholars will meet

More information: Download the conference report here (EN – 1MB)

Final conference

This conference is a gathering point to reflect on the capacity building activities as well as to look beyond. A key topic on the agenda will be the reflection on the institutionalization of the national Competence Centres for Social Innovation.

At that stage, the four policy proposals will be available. We are looking forward to inquiring into how social innovation will be nurtured in each of the respective countries.

We trust that the cold shores of the Baltic Sea help us find a horizon.

Dates: 16/17-02-2023

Place: Riga, Latvia

Venue: Pullman Rīga Old Town

Attendees: Some 60 policymakers, practitioners and scholars


  • BuiCaSuS and other EC consortia: FUSE, SEED, PEnCIL, ESIA and SI PLUS, representatives
  • Aija Rūse, Social anthropologist, researcher and change agent
  • Alda Sebre, Head of the Social Cohesion Department at Society Integration Foundation
  • Gorka Espiau, Agirre Centre, Spain
  • Ingus Alliks, State Secretary of the Ministry of Welfare of Latvia
  • Johnny Karlsson, Coordinator, the Swedish ESF-council
  • Laura Mangeng, Policy Assistant, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion 
  • Liene Briede, Board member at European Innovation Council, Director at Science and Innovation department at Riga Technical university
  • Patricia Bezurnatea, Director General of Family Diversity and Social Services, BuiCaSuS MGM
  • Prof. Ezio Manzini, Design academic and researcher, writer, and educator
  • Sara Ulla, Head of research Imserso, Spanish Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030
  • Vera Egreja Barracho, Portugal Social Innovation Mission Unit
  • Zaiga Pūce, Social Integration Foundation, Director
  • Živilė Čimolauskaitė, Coordinator of CoP on Social Innovation
More information: Download the conference report here (EN – 12MB



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