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BuiCaSuS summary report available
The BuiCaSuS project has come to an end. Now, a summary report makes all the actions undertaken and key findings available. The report summarizes the

BuiCaSuS culminates by presenting four National Blueprint Strategies and Action Plans for CCSI
BuiCaSuS culminated in National Blueprint Strategies and Action Plans for CCSI in France, Latvia, Spain, and Sweden, after extensive work including screening and mapping national
The Spanish State Secretary of Social Rights presents a roadmap for a Competence Center for Social Innovation
The Spanish roadmap for a Competence Centre for Social Innovation (CCSI) proposes the creation of a structure that could play a vital role in creating
Latvia presents roadmap for a Competence Center
The Latvian Social Integration Fund has presented a roadmap and action plan for a Competence Centre for Social Innovation (CCSI). The strategy and action plan