Nomination of best practices for a sustainable society

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Do you enable social innovations for a sustainable society? We are looking for inspiring examples of how to support and catalyze change for a more sustainable society. More specifically, we are looking for best practices that promote social innovations which try to decrease spatial segregation, social exclusion or tackle other societal challenges.

The two thematic areas of societal challenges that we all within the BuiCaSuS-project have found most interesting are spatial segregation and social exclusion, but other themes related to a sustainable society are also of interest.

Spatial segregation

This theme focuses on the spatial concentration of people and hence also the exclusion of other people. Researchers point out that the concentration of groups of people (by lines of income status, language, ethnicity, etc) isn’t undesired per se – a strong community sense can be achieved creating a society with a high level of trust and safety – but it is the exclusion of other groups and the resulting separation of capital (financial, social, cultural etc.) that follows the spatial segregation which creates unsustainable societies. The spatial segregation is often characterized by spatial disparity in access to infrastructure, services, and livelihood opportunities. We are searching for methods, tools, programs and approaches that e.g. support or catalyze initiatives in deprived/rural/segregated areas by increasing the access to services like housing and healthcare, etc.

Social exclusion

This theme focuses on the consequence of a series of problems affecting an individual or group such as unemployment, discrimination, poor skills, low income, poor housing, high crime, ill-health and family breakdown. When such problems combine, they can create a vicious cycle. Social exclusion has complex and multi-dimensional causes and consequences, creating deep and long-lasting problems for individual families, for the economy, and for society as a whole. We are looking for methods, tools, programs and approaches that support or catalyze initiatives for employment, poverty-reduction, more support for parents and their children, an adapted pension for those missing in the existing pension system, etc.

Why you should share your best practices

The purpose is to find best practices when it comes to methods, tools, programmes, and approaches for promoting social innovation in Spain, France, Latvia and Sweden.The practices willimpact the development of the National Competence Centres for Social Innovationin the four countries within the project Building Capacity for Sustainably Society (BuiCaSuS) funded by the European Commission. The aim is to share experiences, knowledge and tools that promote social innovation across the EU to contribute to social sustainability.

How to take part and share your best practice

We collect the inspiring practices through a questionnaire in the four countries Spain, France, Latvia and Sweden. Those selected as the best inspiring practices will be gathered into a short pamphlet and presented at national meeting arenas (webinar format) during Spring 2022 for further discussion and knowledge exchange. Those of you that would be interested in also presenting at transnational meeting arenas can tick a box at the end of the questionnaire.

The nomination is open until midnight on the 3rd of December 2021. 

Go to the country-specific questionnaire:




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