The Final conference of the “Building capacity for a sustainable society” (BuiCaSuS) project is scheduled to take place in Rīga, Latvia on February 16-17, 2023. The conference aims to present the results of the project as well as promote discussions on the institutional designs of Competence Centres for Social Innovation as proposed by the European Commission to be launched in all EU member states.
Similarly to our midterm conference held in Madrid in October, 2022, the first day will be attended by a wider audience representing Latvian and international actors of the social innovation ecosystem, responsible state institutions and NGOs, social entrepreneurs, experts and researchers.
During the second day we will expect BuiCaSuS and other EC consortia: FUSE, SEED, PEnCIL, ESIA and SI PLUS representatives, as well as speakers from the European Commission to focus on Competence Centres for Social Innovation policy options, institutional design and structure, as well as practical roadmaps for the Centres´ development. The presence of EC consortia will facilitate transnational experience exchange and strengthen SI ecosystem development and support at the EU level. A significant part of the conference will be focused on the opportunities offered by the EU structural funds and future international collaboration.