Synthesis Report about the Roundtable processes

biking on a bridge

Within the transnational consortia Building Capacity for a Sustainable Society (BuiCaSuS), each partner has been on a path of strengthening either existing or establishing new National Competence Centres for Social Innovation (NCCSI). In order to gather input from key social innovation stakeholders regarding capacity-building areas for the NCCSIs, a round table process was carried out.  

The roundtable processes are at different stages in the respective countries but can already be seen as providing good opportunities for actors in the different countries to exchange experiences and identify themselves as being part of their respective SI ecosystems. Furthermore, some capacity-building priorities for the respective NCCSI have been identified. These have common traits between the countries concerning the need for support of mobilization and realization, but also differ due to the diverse social innovation ecosystems in the BuiCaSuS-partners’ countries. 

Read more about the roundtable process and the identified capacity-building priorities in the four countries here:

Defining national capacity building priorities – A synthesis report (EN – 2MB)

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