Explore BuiCaSuS’ latest articles including insights, news, events announcements, analyses and contributions about Social Innovation in Europe written by professionals working on this and on the spot. We invite you to contact the authors and contribute with this Blog as well.

Upcoming BuiCaSuS “Building capacity for a sustainable society” Final Conference in Riga
The Final conference of the “Building capacity for a sustainable society” (BuiCaSuS) project is scheduled to take place in Rīga, Latvia on February 16-17, 2023.

Analytical grid for understanding the institutional design of national Competence Centres
What is a National Competence Centre for Social Innovation? What are its role and mandate? Who takes the decisions? What services does it offer? How

Mid-Term Conference report
The BUICASUS Mid-Term Conference Report has been published. It summarizes the programme and highlights the main deliberations of the conference including statements of key-note addresses,

Development of the Mapping Report of Social Innovation Development Ecosystem in Latvia
In the summer of 2022, the Society Integration Foundation, within the framework of the European Union-funded project BuiCaSuS, has developed the document “Mapping Report of