Explore BuiCaSuS’ latest articles including insights, news, events announcements, analyses and contributions about Social Innovation in Europe written by professionals working on this and on the spot. We invite you to contact the authors and contribute with this Blog as well.
Forum for Social Innovation Sweden proposes institutional design for a Competence Centre
The Swedish Forum for Social Innovation has presented the institutional design for a Competence Centre for Social Innovation (CCSI). The strategy describes the need for

Synthesis Report about the Roundtable processes
Within the transnational consortia Building Capacity for a Sustainable Society (BuiCaSuS), each partner has been on a path of strengthening either existing or establishing new

BuiCaSuS Final Conference Report
On February 16-17, 2023, Riga, Latvia hosted the final BuiCaSuS conference, bringing together experts and social innovation ecosystem players from Spain, France, Sweden, Italy, Austria,
AVISE proposes a mission and workplan to act as National Competence Centre for France
This document presents a roadmap for Avise in its role as a Competence Centre for Social Innovation (CCSI). In 2020, Avise submitted a bid approved