Privacy Policy

Welcome to the BuiCaSuS website We hope you learn using the site. In the spirit of simplicity we have kept the Terms of Service as simple as possible.

This website was created and is managed by BuiCaSuS communication team on behalf of the partners of the BuiCaSuS project.

This is a EU funded project, and run by a consortium of 7 leading organisations across Europe. BuiCaSuS will run from September 30, 2021 to August 31, 2023.

  • BuiCaSuS retains full responsibility and control of the data collected through first party cookies by storing the data in servers fully controlled by us.
  • The data collected contains no personal information and the random unique visitor ID that is generated by the software cannot be used to identify a particular visitor.
  • Data will not be shared with any other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site.

  • First party cookies are cookies set by the website you’re visiting. Only that website can read them. In addition, a website might potentially use external services, which also set their own cookies, known as third-party cookies.
  • Persistent cookies are cookies saved on your computer and that are not deleted automatically when you quit your browser, unlike a session cookie, which is deleted when you quit your browser.

How do we use cookies?

BuiCaSuS website only uses “first-party cookies”. These are cookies set and controlled by BuiCaSuS project, not by any external organisation.

  • We don’t have third-party cookies.
  • We only use Cookies to establish anonymised statistics about the browsing experience on this site.

The personal data received through Matomo are sent to:

Opt-out of website tracking

You can opt out of being tracked by our Matomo Analytics instance below: 

You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here. Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.


Analytics cookies

We use these purely for internal research on how we can improve the service we provide for all our users. The cookies simply assess how you interact with our website – as an anonymous user (the data gathered does not identify you personally).

Also, this data is not shared with any third parties or used for any other purpose. The anonymised statistics could be shared with contractors working on communication projects under contractual agreement with BuiCaSuS.

However, you are free to refuse these types of cookies  in the Opt-out option at the top of our Privacy Policy. If you choose, though, to contribute your browsing experience on our websites as part of the anonymous statistics, you will enable us to significantly improve the performance of our communication, its outreach and its cost-efficiency.

If you have enabled the “Do not track” option in your web browser, we will respect your choice and your browsing experience on the BuiCaSuS website will not be processed.

No cookie consent is needed because:

  • Tracking cookies are not used
  • The data is not used for any other purpose than analytics
  • Visitors aren’t tracked across websites
  • Fingerprints change daily for every visitor meaning no visitor can be followed across days within the same website, and no user profiles can be generated when cookies are disabled

How can you manage cookies?

Removing cookies from your device

You can delete all cookies that are already on your device by clearing the browsing history of your browser. This will remove all cookies from all websites you have visited. Be aware though that you may also lose some saved information (e.g. saved login details, site preferences).

Managing site-specific cookies

For more detailed control over site-specific cookies, check the privacy and cookie settings in your preferred browser

Blocking cookies

You can set most modern browsers to prevent any cookies being placed on your device, but you may then have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site/page. And some services and functionalities may not work properly at all (e.g. profile logging-in).

‘Do not track’ preference

“Do Not Track” is a technology that enables visitors to opt-out from being tracked by websites for whatever purpose, including the use of analytics services, advertising networks and social platforms. To enable the “do not track” option in your browser follow the respective link below:

If your preferred browser is not in the above list of browsers, visit the vendor’s website for more information.


Data protection Information and measures

First party cookies

cookies that expire and will be automatically removed from the user’s device after 13 months.

Cookies used by BuiCaSuS enables us to collect the following information about visitors that is used to prepare aggregated, anonymous statistics reports of visitors’ activity

  • internet protocol (IP) address (anonymised)
  • location: country, region, city, approximate latitude and longitude (geolocation)
  • date and time of the request (visit to the site)
  • title of the page being viewed (page title)
  • URL of the page being viewed (page URL)
  • URL of the page that was viewed prior to the current page (referrer URL)
  • screen resolution of the user’s device
  • local time in visitor’s time zone
  • files that were clicked and downloaded (download)
  • links to an outside domain that were clicked (outlink)
  • page generation time: the time it takes for webpages to be generated by the webserver and then downloaded by the visitor (page speed)
  • main language of the browser being used (accept language header)
  • browser version, browser plugins (PDF, Flash, Java) operating system version, device identifier (user agent header)
  • site search

To improve the accuracy of the reports, certain information is also stored in first party cookies and then collected by Europa Analytics:

  • random unique visitor ID
  • time of the first visit by the specific visitor
  • time of the previous visit by the specific visitor
  • number of visits by the specific visitor


If you have any questions, comments or concerns about our Privacy Policy you may contact us.

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