Explore BuiCaSuS’ latest articles including insights, news, events announcements, analyses and contributions about Social Innovation in Europe written by professionals working on this and on the spot. We invite you to contact the authors and contribute with this Blog as well.

BUICASUS Country Mapping Comparative Report traces common issues in institutionalising SI at national level
BuiCaSuS is dedicated to strengthening support structures for better social innovation ecosystems, such as National Competence Centres. One of the workstreams of the consortium has

New report shows how support for social innovation processes can be designed
To make social innovation happen, active support is beneficial throughout the social innovation process. This is shown in the report Making social innovation happen, analysis

BuiCaSuS mid-term: European encounter on social innovation in Madrid
More than a hundred participants gathered in October in Madrid to exchange lessons on social innovation. The Midterm conference of the BuiCaSuS consortium brought together

Meeting inspiring mature projects which have successfully scaled up. Part 2: Swedish Learning Expedition
The Learning expeditions in France and Sweden Part 2: Swedish Learning Expedition As part of WP3, last April and May, 2 Latvian and 8 Spanish